
Studio Pavanati Leonardo & C.

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Who we are.

We are first of all Entrepreneurs, we have been for generations, genetically prepared to do business.

We have done it with passion and dedication, going from strong disappointments to notable successes, for decades without stopping and without regrets, accumulating experience and treasuring both good and bad.

Driven by enthusiasm and fueled by requests from some customers, in 1997 we began to provide consultancy, give advice and propose solutions, following up in the following years, i.e. in 2000 with the opening of the first studio in Milan, in via Turati.

In 2003 we opened the first branch in Budapest, in support of the already important Italian business community in Hungary.

In 2005 we ventured to Moscow but with little success.

In 2007 we opened the branch in London in collaboration with Teoli & Associates and 7 Group LTD.

In 2012 we opened in New York in collaboration with Global USA LTD.

In 2017 we consolidated our positions, opening the second office in Milan and maintaining the branches in London and New York.

In 2022 the Chairman of the reference corporate group remained involved in serious judicial problems, in the public domain, forcing us against our will to downsize, closing all business activities and in any case keeping the consultancy activity alive at the two offices in Milan, in Corso Monforte and via Pirelli.

The foreign offices remain in collaboration activities.

Today we can state with absolute certainty that few Consulting Firms can boast our ability, experience and professionalism.

It cost us a lot !

A poor quality of life in exchange for efforts and worries, constant commitment and a vast knowledge of the markets. of Business, Finance and Business Economics, to arrive today with a unique and unrepeatable awareness.

Studio Pavanati is currently also the "Family Office" of one of the most important Saudi families.

Dr Leonardo Pavanati


Senior Consultant

Family office.

Supervisor Multi-Family Officer.

Domestic and Foreign Customers.

Dr. Pettinicchio

Senior Partner Consultant.

M&A Project.

financial development.

industrial development.

Dr. Civitarese

Senior Partner Consultant.

Corporate training.

Business planning.

Business economics.

Mrs. Pol

Real Estate Division.

Back Office Administration.

Agenda's Manager.

Dr. Lati

Real Estate Division
Logistics Area
Bank and Insurance Dpt.

Dr. Bor

Junior Partner Consultant.

Real Estate Design & Development.

Protection Program & LGPE

Dr Maurizi

Real Estate Division
Logistics Area
Bank and Insurance Dpt.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.