
Studio Pavanati Leonardo & C.

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Milan is a modern and dynamic metropolis, but like every metropolis in the world, today it is experiencing a security problem!

Petty crime made up of drug dealing, thefts, robberies and personal violence are now the order of the day, thus making even just going to the office, to the restaurant or venturing out for a walk uncertain and precarious!

These social phenomena, harmful to people and harmful to the image of the city, are constantly and progressively increasing!

Hence, those who can increasingly turn to personal protection systems and services, which various Agencies or Companies in Milan can offer, with ability and professionalism.

Since 2007, STUDIO PAVANATI has also been involved in providing personal protection services, mainly for the Clients of the Firm.

But given the high profile and significant financial importance of its clientele, STUDIO PAVANATI has combined the protection service with obsessive attention to the lifestyle of wealthy people who, in addition to demanding protection and security, must continue to live and move in areas of extreme luxury, comfort and privacy ..!

All peculiarities which, in the person of Dr. Pavanati, Founder of the Firm, are well characterized and rooted in direct and personal experience!

Already in 1993, Dr. Pavanati dealt with Safety and Protection, and over time, he himself made use of the service of drivers and bodyguards, for many years, thus making him an expert in knowing what is needed, and how it is needed , in order to provide protection and Luxury LifeStyle in a way that is appropriate for those privileged by life.


The founder of STUDIO PAVANATI L. & C., Dr. Pavanati Leonardo, began his experience in the Security sector in 1993, obtaining the SISS Protection Operator Certificate (New York - USA), as shown in the images of repertoire.


Years later, the need changed, as a consequence of the lifestyle, and the Founder of STUDIO PAVANATI L. & C., in turn, made use of the services of drivers and bodyguards.


Luxury Guest Protection Experience.


It is a service dedicated to the Luxury Hotels of Milan, which offers their Clients the possibility of having a car, driver, bodyguards, with dedicated reservations at Restaurants, Clubs or Boutiques, with personalized and exclusive treatment, for a complete and satisfying day of work or shopping, or a fun and carefree evening, in the best restaurants and in the most exclusive clubs, sheltered from unpleasant inconveniences, protected and pampered by LGPE Operators


Exclusive service for the Clients of Luxury Hotels in Milan, LGPE is not only Personal Protection, but it is a LyfeStyle made up of everything necessary for a stay full of attention and care for the Client, all managed directly by the LGPE Staff, under strict of the Customer.


Highly qualified, multilingual drivers with luxury cars will allow transfers to and from Restaurants, Offices, Discos, Clubs or Boutiques, all selected and affiliated to the LGPE Service, thus guaranteeing exclusive and personalized hospitality and treatment.


Bodyguards will guarantee the tranquility and serenity of the stay, accompanying the customers in their every move, with discretion and attention, with active presence and "Stretta" protection in the case of evenings in discos, clubs or events, in collaboration with the Security of the Clubs and stationed at the "Tables" previously booked by LGPE

Or while traveling for shopping in the boutiques of Milan, even with scheduled appointments, again at LGPE, in order to guarantee an "Exclusive & Priority" welcome.


A service of Excellence! For many but not for everyone ..!


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after decades of experience, gained and experienced firsthand by the Founder, LGPE represents all the knowledge and professionalism necessary to provide Personal Security and Protection services, together with the Luxury services that LGPE offers to the clientele of Luxury Hotels in Milan.